Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ressurection from the dead?
So I've been MIA for eons now from blogger. My appologies to everyone that follows me like there is no tomorrow. I started doubting that my life wasn't 'fun' enough nor was it 'exciting' enough to write stories about day in and day out. I've been trying to make my own layout for the past two or three days now, but that didn't work out so I'm sticking to this here blogger template that is covered with DOTS!

Exciting event worth sharing have added up these past few days. One unforgettable trip was of course the first on my mind. Pittsburgh trip 2009 was by far the best time I've had in ages. I spent four days of bliss with my favorite people in the whole wide world. Though I felt sick at times and sure some nights never seemed to end, but overall I'm glad that we were able to stick to our road trip plan and carry it out. We took pictures galore, each filled with grins that spread from ear to ear! Thanks everyone for sharing those mintues of your life with me =]!!

Another exciting moment worth mentioning?? Well there is one world record breaking one worth mentioning. I witnessed Usain Bolt break the world record for the 200meter sprint on tv. The race was short, super short, but he ran like an impala surrounded by not so fast deer. It was amazing to say the least. I can't wait to see what else this sprinter has to offer in the future.

School is starting, wishing everyone a great educational year!